How did I become a running coach

In 2014 I stood on the start line of my first ultra-marathon, Race to the Stones. A 100km iconic route across the famed Ridgeway, one of the oldest footpaths in Great Britain.

I was part of a women’s only ultra team. We were a group of 10 ordinary women, who were collectively taking on something bigger than anything we’d ever done before.

We were becoming a part of something extraordinary.

2014 was going to be my year. I had just moved down to London after graduating and signing up for a 100km ultramarathon along with 10 other women seemed like the only sensible way to meet new people in the city.

The truth is, back then, I felt like I had no business standing on that start line. I made a boatload of mistakes getting there and I certainly didn’t feel very much like a runner. Sure, I crossed the finished line. But I felt alone. It really wasn’t the race I was hoping for. Something was missing.

Each year that passed brought around new and exciting challenges, always with friends. But the turning point for me was in 2017 when I found myself at the top of a 2,980m mountain pass in the Italian alps. I took a fall on the second day of the Ultra Tour Monte Rosa stage race coming off the Passo dei Salati. The outcome; a ruptured ligament, some broken bone, and a bruised ego.

I was reaching crunch point. I had my sights set on these incredible races, but I needed help. I couldn’t keep trying to figure this out on my own.

It was destroying my own confidence and physically my body couldn’t take it anymore.

The following year, I hired a running coach and found myself in one of the driest nonpolar regions on earth, The Atacama Desert. It was my first multi-stage event with RacingThePlanet and I had 250km ahead of me with everything I needed to survive for the next 7 days on my back.

This event completely changed my life and gave me so much belief in what my mind and body were truly capable of.

I get huge joy out of helping women see past their own limitations and making the impossible possible through running and the outdoors.

I absolutely believe that you don’t have to be a professional runner to hire a personal running coach and for many of the women I work with, it’s the first time they have ever made that commitment.

I started Project: Breaking 250 because I had the opportunity to be a part of some really amazing experiences with other women and I wanted more women to be a part of a totally immersive experiences that allowed them to disconnect from their everyday routines and focus on putting themselves first.

Coaching with me is so much more than just a training plan.

It’s about creating a space for women to be transformed through the outdoors, creating lifelong friendships, and instilling in them that self-belief that comes from being a part of something greater than themselves. .


Want to find out more about how I can help you?

1:1 Run Coaching Project: Breaking 250 Free Resources

Work with me 1:1 to receive tailored advice and support every step of the way to cross the finish line of that ultra marathon you’ve been dreaming of.

Join my 12 month women’s only immersive group programme for your first multi-stage ultra. I will walk you step-by-step through the entire process.

Read the latest blog posts for tools, tips, guidance and support to help you finish your first ultra. Curious about what it takes to train for these crazy distances?


What to do the week before your ultramarathon?


How to choose your first ultramarathon